Earth Day Shout Out

April 22, 2010 § Leave a comment

Happy Earth Day everyone!!!

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to a new Montana land conservancy effort called Travelers for Open Land. This program has the potential to be a benchmark for other states’ conservation efforts because it is incredibly intuitive and simple. Why do people live and visit Montana? Because of the vast open lands. Hmmm, maybe people would even donate a dollar or two to preserve what they’ve come to visit in the first place. Why not create a program that seeks to gather voluntary donations from visitors to Montana to ensure that the natural splendors of today are still there tomorrow? That’s what founder Mike Scholz did and tadaaa, Travelers for Open Land is born.

I am witness to the wonder of Montana’s open lands. They’re worth preserving, people. I cannot put into words how special a place I live in, and I know the empty space is integral to maintaining the wonder of Montana. Not to mention how many animals, insects, plants, trees, bacteria etc. make their home in these open spaces.

Support Travelers for Open Land by joining the Facebook group.

Check out this article I wrote for more information on Travelers for Open Land or try their website.

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